Examination Couch Height Adjustable
June 29, 2021TraumaPac
June 29, 2021
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
AED helps to save people’s lives in cases of Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Key features:
One AED pad for adults & children, 5 years battery life.
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- Semi-automatic operation (Adult/Pediatric).
- Adult/Pediatric Mode Switch.
- Quick Start Power the A15 by using the Open Lid Switch.
- 2010 AHA guidelines.
- Battery Capacity 4.2Ah/15V(200shocks or 10hr monitoring).
- Voice prompt, Action Icon(LED) Indicator, Status LCD.
- Status indicator: self-test (fail/pass), battery level, Temp, condition.
- Self-test: POST(Power On Self Test), Periodic test(daily, weekly, monthly), BIST(Battery Insertion Self Test).
- SD card, IR communication support.
- Event review PC software (Option).
For more information or any inquiry about this product, please complete the form below.